Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Veggie Birthday!

Sydney Adysen loves the Veggie Tales. So, when she decided that she must have a Veggie Tale party, I could not let her down!


I'm back from a short break!

I want to apologize to anyone who has been trying to reach me over the past month and a half. It's funny how life can change in an instant. I started this blog as a hobby to give me something to do in my spare time, and as soon as I got it up and running, BAM!, life stepped in and threw me a curve ball. I was given a job opportunity I could not pass down. I am now designing invitations for a local stationery and gift store. I have been so busy, my spare time quickly became nonexistent! I absolutely love my new job. Life is so much better when you love what you do. However, things are finally starting to slow down, so the blog is back in business! If you need to get in touch with me, please email me at

Sorry for any inconvenience this has had on anyone. Thank you for being so understanding! I am looking forward to working with all of my blog friends again!
